Solution-Present the comparison of clinical benefit of

Choose two topics

1. Present the comparison of clinical benefit of statins and fibrates in the management of patients with atherosclerosis.

2. Present the rationale for clinical applications of niacin. What are major side effects?

3. What is a main difference between anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs?

4. What are major side effects and what monitoring should be recommended for patients using aspirin or warfarin for long term therapy?

5. List the most common drug-drug interactions that patients and clinicians should be aware in cases of antithrombotic therapy use.


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Niacin is belonging to the group of B-complex vitamins indicated for prevention and mitigation of pellagra, a disorder is associated with deficiency of niacin. The following are the clinical applications of niacin

Niacin inhibits the lipolysis process for triglycerides in adipose tissue and decreases the free fatty acid transport to liver. The lipolysis is inhibited by inhibiting the enzyme, adipocyte adenylyl cyclase. Niacin decreases the production of triglycerides in liver.

The effect is attributed to the inhibition of the processes, synthesis and etherification. The decrease in triglycerides further reduced the VLDLD level. Since niacin is decreasing the levels of triglycerides by inhibiting the enzymes, it is indicated for the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia.

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