Solution-How is biologos different from intelligent design

Assignment 1

1-Partial hydrogenation of (healthy) cis unsaturated fats produces trans fatty acids. Most of the trans fats produced by the hydrogentation process are classified as saturated fats even though they are still technically _______________?

2-Explain why saturated fats tend to be solids at room temperature, and cis-unsaturated fats tend to be liquids at room temperature. Think about the general 3D shape of these molecules.

3-There are several allotropes (different physical forms) of carbon in the professor’s suitcase: graphite, diamond, fullerenes, and nanotubes. The 2010 Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded for the discovery of another allotrope of carbon, which is a single sheet of graphite. What is its name?

4-Can you describe a time when collaboration worked well for you? Where there ever any disagreements that led to a false assumption (like cells spontaneously crystalizing into existence)?

5-What are the properties of water that makes life possible?

Use your book and these links to-

1- A description of each of the seven unique properties of water & why each property of water is biologically important.

2- A paragraph on what water does for you physiologically?

3- Your favorite 3 dietary sources of water.

Assignment 2: The Scientific Language of God Assignment

Three parts if this assignment to submit on Blackboard

1- Write a 3-4 sentence executive summary for each of the following three article links-

(That means a paragraph on each of the first three links)

2- Use the rest of the links to write one paragraph at least 3 sentences long explaining at least 3 reasons why citizens and scientists should embrace both science and religion.

3- Take time to reflect on everything you have read on the scientific language of God and write 1-2 paragraphs on how you personally bring science and religion together.

Part 1-

The Scientific Language of God &BioLogos-

Are science and religion at war?

How is BioLogos different from Evolutionism, Intelligent Design, and Creationism?

Part 2-

Use the following resources to answer this tough yet important question-

Why should all citizens and scientists embrace religion and all religion embrace science?

Scientists Speak Up-

Science and Faith Don’t Have To Conflict

5 Reasons the Church Should Embrace Science

The Greatest Scientific Advance From the Muslim World

Why Does the Muslim World Lag in Science?

The Road To Renewal

Part 3-

Take time to reflect on what you have learned and write 1-2 paragraphs on how you personally bring science and religion together.

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