Solution-Discuss gpcr targeted therapy for neurological

Produce a written report (essay style) that aIDresses a selected title.

Students will be expected to write an essay style report on the topicarea that they have signed up for.Allocated opportunities for each topic are limited.Once a particular essay topic has been fully signed for students will have to select from the remaining options. So it’s first come first served.

Essay titles to be posted:

1.Write an essay style report that

A.) Evaluate the role of Tyrosine Kinase receptors in growth factor mediated signal transduction, with specific reference to MAPK/Ras and p13k-Akt containing pathways.

B.) Discuss how these pathways promote cell survival and proliferation which if unchecked can be pathogenic .

C.) Further discuss how tyrosine kinases can be targeted as a means of cancer therapy.

2. A.)Discuss why G-protein coupled receptors(GPCR)areone of the most popular classes of investigational drug targets?

B.) Discuss GPCR targeted therapy for neurological disorder as a therapeutics development.


A.) The role of the liver in influencing the toxicity of foreign substances in the human body.

B.)Situations that can affect this role using examples from the literature to illustrate/support your answer.

4. Compare and contrast the different stages of DNA repair used to correct DNA damage caused by Reactive Oxygen Species and UV radiation AND using specific examples, indicate how alterations in these pathways can lead to cancer predisposition.

5. Discuss the pathology and therapy of metastatic hormone refractive prostate cancer.

6. Using current primary literature and examples of relevant drugs, discuss the rationale for the use of aromatase-inhibiting anticancer agents in the treatment of post-menopausal breast cancer.


Verified Expert

The assignment is focused on aspects of DNA repair mechanisms which include brief description about nucleotide and basic excision repair systems and are supported with figures.The proteins that are associated with these mechanisms are also highlighted.

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