Solution-A history of right head and neck cancer

C.G. is a 69-year-old male with a history of right head and neck cancer that you have been following for one year. The carcinoma was initially localized to the head and neck-specifically at the left lingual tonsil region and went on to complete a total of 6 weeks of radiation and chemotherapy. Recently, the last PET scan indicated some metabolic activity in the left lymph node area along with other regions of abnormal metabolic activity in the body-particularly the liver and the lungs indicating metastasis. C.G. indicates that he is tired of the effects of chemotherapy and radiation and does not want to pursue any more treatment for cancer.


Right head and neck cancer with metastasis to liver and lungs; patient is refusing further treatment.







Current medications: 

Carvedilol 12.5 mg po 1 daily

Furosemide 40 mg po daily


2012: right radical neck dissection 



Vaccination History:

Influenza vaccine last received 1 year ago

Received pneumovax at age 65

Received Tdap 5 years ago

Has not had the herpes zoster vaccine 

Social history and Risk Factors:

Former smoker-stopped smoking at the time his cancer was diagnosed-2 years ago

Negative for alcohol intake or drug use

Patient does not have an advanced directive or living will. He is refusing further treatment for his cancer and his wife and children are in disagreement with him. The patient wants to know what his options are for the remainder of his life.  

Family history:


Discussion Part One:

  • Provide differential diagnoses (ID) with rationale.
  • Further ROS questions needed to develop ID.
  • Identify the legal/ethical issues involved with the patient and describe your approach to aIDressing end-of-life care for this patient.

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