Metabolic poison would directly interfere with glycolysis

1. In the presence of a metabolic poison that specifically andcompletely inhibits the function of mitochondrial ATP synthase, which of the followingwould you expect?

A) a decrease in the pH difference across the innermitochondrial membrane
B) an increase in the pH difference across theinner mitochondrial membrane
C) increased synthesis of ATP
D) oxygen consumption to cease
E) proton pumping by the electron transport chainto cease

2. In the 1940s, some physicians prescribed lowdoses of a drug called dinitrophenol (DNP) to help patients lose weight. This unsafe method wasabandoned after a few patients died. DNP uncouples the chemiosmotic machinery by making the lipid bilayerof the inner mitochondrial membrane leaky to H+. What impact does this have on ATP production?

A) reduces substrate level phosphorylations
B) increases substrate level phosphorylations
C) reduces oxidative level phosphorylations
D) increase oxidative level phosphorylations
E) This would have no impact on ATP production.

3. Cyanide is a poison that blocks the passage ofelectrons along the electron transport chain. Which of the following is a metabolic effect of thispoison?

A) The lower pH of the intermembrane space is muchlower than normal.
B) Electrons are passed directly to oxygen, causingcells to explode.
C) Alcohol would build up in the cells.
D) NADH supplies would be exhausted, and ATPsynthesis would cease.
E) No proton gradient would be produced, and ATPsynthesis would cease.

4. Which kind of metabolic poison would mostdirectly interfere with glycolysis?

A) an agent that reacts with oxygen and depletesits concentration in the cell
B) an agent that binds to pyruvate and inactivatesit
C) an agent that closely mimics the structure ofglucose but is not metabolized
D) an agent that reacts with NADH and oxidizes itto NAD+
E) an agent that inhibits the formation of acetylcoenzyme A

5. A young relative of yours has never had muchenergy. He goes to a doctor for help and is sent to the hospital for some tests. There they discover hismitochondria can use only fatty acids and amino acids for respiration, and his cells produce more lactatethan normal. Of the following, which is the best explanation of his condition?

A) His mitochondria lack the transport protein thatmoves pyruvate across the outer mitochondrial membrane.
B) His cells can not move NADH from glycolysis intothe mitochondria.
C) His cells contain something that inhibits oxygenuse in his mitochondria.
D) His cells lack the enzyme in glycolysis thatforms pyruvate.
E) His cells have a defective electron transportchain, so glucose goes to lactate instead of to acetyl CoA.

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