Health Issues for the Aging

-As of 2014 health care expenditures in the United States are near 17% of our gross domestic product (GDP), with a major portion of Medicare funding goes towards chronic illness and care at the last 6 months of life. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has made some initial legislative changes in our health system, but not sufficient to address our growing expenditures and caring for our large aging population.

-In this writing, please synthesize issues in aging with health policy solutions by writing a paper on one health issue for older individuals addressed in the topic and offering a policy solution.

-Example of issue: America faces an unprecedented challenge. The number of people reaching retirement will double in number by 2030. Urgent action by policymakers is required to address the issues of recruitment, training, retention and improved quality care for the growing aging population, and training for the healthcare professionals (including Doctors, nurses etc.) direct-care workforce, and family caregivers.


Write a 1,000-1,250 word paper that addresses a health issue for older individuals. Include the following:

  1. Include an abstract about 150 words. Introduction and conclusion.
  2. Evaluate what the literature suggests as a resolution to your chosen issue.
  3. Discuss any attempts to incorporate the solution into public policy.
  4. Determine the barriers to implementation of the solution.
  5. Analyze the options being discussed for public and/or private funding.
  6. Propose your own recommendation.
  7. APA style with at least 3 scholarly research sources within last 5 years related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.

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