Details of psychological problems of jessica

Write the details of psychological problems of Jessica, a Heterosexual female Jessica is a 28-year-old, heterosexual, Caucasian female. She presents to your office and states that she  is very confused about what’s happening with her and is interested in getting some help. She states that  she’s “been having weird experiences” for several years, but has avoided getting help in the past,  because usually “nobody ever knows what’s wrong” with her. She stated that she feels that she “loses” whole parts of days or evenings. When asked what that means, she states that she’ll wake up the next day and not having any knowledge about what happened to her the previous day, but that she’ll discover that she had been out at a club partying, (which she states is not something that she would typically do), or she’ll discover expensive items in her home that she purchased during times that she cannot recall. She stated that she feels, at other times, that she may “be possessed.” She describes feeling “not herself” and doing things and acting in ways that feel like “someone else.” She stated that she cannot hold down a job, and her last boss said that she was “very Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” claiming that he “never knew which Jessica he was going to get.” She says that “these things” seem to happen all the time and she feels that there is nobody that can help her, because she is “so bad off.” She tells you that her “Mr. Hyde” side seems to have a mind of its own, and has been known to do impulsive things like meet men at clubs and take them home that night. She says that other than these “bizarre experiences,” she feels good.

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