data collection and analysis part 3

This is the part where you will complete the assignment based on the feedback you gave yourself in part 2

Apply a selected tool to an identified health care problem, analyze the qualitative and quantitative results, and provide evidence-based recommendations to address the problem based on analyses performed. Include a minimum of two visual data displays (charts, graphs, et cetera).

This assessment also provides the opportunity to reflect upon the industry and organizational contexts before engaging in application of a tool for problem analysis. You will consider the organization’s setting with respect to level of care, mission, strategy, operations, and culture. Moreover, you will think critically about legal, regulatory, ethical, and risk management operational issues that relate to the selected problem.


This assessment consists of three parts.

Data Presentation

In this part of the assessment, you will apply the selected tool to the problem and produce a minimum of two visual data displays (charts, graphs, et cetera). Examples of tools you might include are:

  • Cost Benefit Analysis: Excel spreadsheet, converted into 2–3 worksheet tabs, graphs, or other visual display format.
  • Compliance Assessment: 3 major criteria converted into 3 separate pie charts or other graphic display format.
  • Lean Analysis: The percent of variance by major factor converted into 2–3 trend lines.

Note: At a minimum, provide a cost benefit analysis of the recommendation.

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Data

In this part of the assessment you will analyze the collected data relative to benchmarks. Provide discussion as to whether the selected benchmarks are internal to the organization, external industry benchmarks, or a combination. Be sure to include a short summary of observations. Note: If the problem requires an additional tool, such as a compliance audit tool, you may include more than one discussion of the results.

Evidence-Based Recommendations

In this final part of the assessment, provide evidence-based recommendations that will help to address the identified problem. Be sure to support your recommendations with references to current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources. Also include an explanation as to why the recommendations are feasible for this particular organization. For example, one recommendation might be to offer a new service line. Even though the new service may not generate an immediate profit, it might serve to draw additional patients into the network.

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