1) A rapid beat of heart over 100 beats per minute is known as ______. A beat slower than 60 is called ______. Lack of appropriate blood to the heart is known as ______. Rapid shuIDering of the heart muscle is called ______.
2) An EKG generally shows three key waves, the ______, the ______ and the ______. The largest is the ______, that results from the ______ contracting. When the atria contract, the ______ wave is produced. When the muscles of the heart repolarize, the ______ is produced.
3) Contraction of heart muscle is known as ______. Relaxation is known as ______. The first heart sound is caused by ______. The second heart sound is caused by the ______.
4) The pressure of blood is measured in units of ______. The higher pressure, when the heart is contracted, is known as the ______. It is generally around 120. The lower pressure, when the heart is ______, is known as the ______ pressure. It is usually around 80. The ______ is the device used to find the blood pressure. Factors which affect the blood pressure are ______, the ______, ______, ______ and ______. ______ is a systolic pressure under 100 or so. ______ is sustained pressure of 140/90 or more.