Case Study Planning the Response

January 19th at 23:00 PM (Local), an earthquake, magnitude 4.5, 
is experienced with an epi-center 5 miles from the response 
location. This is an unusual occurrence, with no prior recorded 
earthquakes in this area in recorded history.
 NDJ is an industrial concern in your county that has experienced 
significant impact from this event.
 NDJ processes industrial (electronics and specialty) and medical 
 As a result of the earthquake, several explosions were 
experienced in the plant.
 Eight (8) employees remain unaccounted for at the present time.
Planning An Incident Response



• It’s a moonless night at 23:15 local.
• Temperature at 1.7 (C)/35(F)/humidity 50% 
• Winds are from the West, at 5-7 mph 
• Gusts up to 25 mph



• There is an odor of rotten eggs in the area 
downwind from the plant.
• Several employees who escaped are 
experiencing burning eyes and throats, and 
appear confused.
• The first responding medic unit reports 3 
patients with symptoms of pulmonary edema.



• Attempts to locate a Responsible Agent for the plant are frustrated 
by the failure of telephone and data lines. Cell phone network is 
crashing, though you have “Wireless Priority Service” on your 

Question 1 After performing an assessment/analysis of the hazard from the 
potential and probable chemical releases, how many exposures 
could be potentially saved with a ten member HMRT supported by 
3 engine and 2 ladder companies?
• HMRT = Hazardous Materials Response Team 

Question 2 With your analysis of the incident, how would you go 
about formulating response objectives
• What are your initial response objectives?
• How would you assess risk to each entrant if a rescue of 
the ‘down employees” is considered tenable?

Question 3 Presuming you opt to perform a search/rescue mission, what 
options would you suggest to accomplish the objective of a safe 
evacuation of viable victims?
• Describe the prioritization of medical care and removal of victims 
from the hazard area relative to exposure and contamination.

Question 4What PPE would you require of your entrant and RIT 
(Rapid Intervention Team, rescuers’ rescuers) members 
• What decontamination plans do you have?
• What medical treatment plan do you have?

Develop an incident action plan, including site 
safety and control plan.

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