2 slides power point outline of the specific mental health and crisis respons

I need this one question only.  2 slides for a power point presentation With Speaker Notes. The area is Jacksonville, Florida.  Class is CJHS 410

Outline of the specific mental health and crisis response for a critical incident discussing the various types of possible critical incidents that this plan would apply to.

The chief of police of the local police department has approached your team to develop an Interagency Mental Health and Crisis Intervention Response Plan that includes local, state, and federal crisis intervention agencies and other emergency and private resources for the purpose of responding to a terrorist event or natural disaster. The chief has informed you that he is concerned that many cities, including his own, do not have a written mental health response plan for critical incidents.

Create a 10- to 15-slideMicrosoft® PowerPoint® presentation to present to the chief of police that details your interagency Mental Health and Crisis Intervention Response Plan. Consider demographics, resources, and needs of the department and community while creating the plan.

Include the following in your presentation:

  • Introductory section on the various types of critical incidents and their physical, financial, and societal effect on victims, first responders and communities and how this plan can address that impact.
  • What local, state, and federal Human Service Delivery organizations you would choose to be a part of this plan and why you specifically chose these organizations.
  • Outline of the specific mental health and crisis response for a critical incident discussing the various types of possible critical incidents that this plan would apply to.
  • What the specific crisis response duties of those individual organizations will be in the event of a terrorist attack or major catastrophic event and how they will work with your department in responding to a critical incident.

If one organization should be the lead in the event, and how that responsibility would be decided

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